Our Classes
At Bloom, we offer a rich developmental program that takes the whole child’s development into account. Our team includes speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, academic specialists as well as our well experienced teaching team, who work together to provide a holistic interest-based approach to learning. Our goal is to create a community that supports both our students and their families, and we are committed to providing the best possible care for your child. Our classes consist of 8 learners to both a Teacher and Teacher Apprentice in each class.
Bloom Centre follows the DIR floortime© approach where connection and relationship is the basis to which all learning flows from.
Bloom Centre follows a rich Individualized Education Development Program (IEDP) which has been carefully created to take all areas of our learners’ development into account. Each child is plotted on their own individual program and lessons, therapies and programs are then planned according to each child’s program (IEDP).
The Maple Tree Class
This classroom is our introductory classroom for young learners who are beginning their schooling program. The use of visual aids, communication aides, and sensory equipment are central to providing a consistently structured environment, where the learners can feel safe and successful.
Their Individualized Educational Development Programmes are geared towards establishing and maintaining their pre-requisite skills, such as eye contact, symbolic representation, imitation, and joint attention. These skills undergird all learning and set the children up to be independent learners.
The Fig Tree Class
This classroom is our high functioning pre-primary school class for young learners who are ready to begin their formal literacy and numeracy program. The use of visual aids, communication aides, and sensory equipment are central to providing a consistently structured environment, where the learners can feel safe and successful.
Alongside the maintenance of pre-requisite skills, foundational literacy and numeracy skills are incorporated into the learners’ programmes, and additional consideration is made towards their learning styles and special interests, communication skills as well as their social and emotional skills.
The Oak Tree Class
This classroom is our primary phase classroom. It is designed to provide maximum support to older children with diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as well as other high functioning disabilities. The use of visual aids, communication aides, and sensory equipment are central to providing a highly structured and consistent environment, where the learner can feel safe and successful.
Alongside the maintenance of pre-requisite skills, foundational literacy and numeracy skills are incorporated into the learners’ programmes, and additional consideration is made towards their learning styles and special interests, communication skills as well as their social and emotional skills.
The Palm Tree Class
This classroom is our senior phase classroom. It is designed to provide maximum support to older children with diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as well as other high functioning disabilities. The use of visual aids, communication aides, and sensory equipment are central to providing a highly structured and consistent environment, where the learner can feel safe and successful.
Maintenance of foundational literacy and numeracy skills are incorporated into the learners’ programmes, and additional consideration is made towards their learning styles and special interests, communication skills, vocational skills, as well as their social and emotional skills.
The Olive Tree Class
This classroom caters for learners with mixed disabilities, such as Down Syndrome,
Cerebral Palsy, Global Delays, and some undiagnosed conditions. It is a beautiful space where each learner is free to learn within a careful balance of structure and creativity.
Due to the variety and wide range of needs and abilities in this class, each child follows a highly specialised Individualized Educational Development Programme, which is creatively merged and managed throughout the school day.
The Willow Tree Class
This classroom is designed to provide maximum support to pre-primary high support needs learners with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as well as other diagnosed disabilities. The use of visual aids, communication aides, and sensory equipment are central to providing a consistently highly structured environment, where the learners can feel safe and successful. Their Individualized Educational Development Programmes are geared towards establishing and maintaining their pre-requisite skills, such as eye contact, symbolic representation, imitation, and joint attention.
The Pine Tree Class
This classroom is designed to provide maximum support to Primary and Senior high support needs learners with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as well as other diagnosed disabilities. The use of visual aids, communication aides, and sensory equipment are central to providing a consistently highly structured environment, where the learners can feel safe and successful. Their Individualized Educational Development Programmes are geared towards establishing and maintaining their pre-requisite skills, such as eye contact, symbolic representation, imitation, and joint attention.
Alongside the above, foundational literacy and numeracy skills are beginning to be introduced into the learners’ programs.
Kingdom Kids
This classroom consists of typically developing learners aged from 3 to 6 years old. The Kingdom Kids class offers the Grade 000, Grade 00, and Grade R programmes. The curriculum focuses on pre-requisite skills, as well as foundation- al literacy & numeracy skills through themes and exploration of the world around them. It is Christian faith based and encourages learners to explore a relationship with God.
The reception year learners work through AEE’s Grade R curriculum, which provides a phonetic foundation to reading, amongst other things. Additionally, our mainstream learners integrate with the special needs learners daily, which has been shown to reap benefits all-round.
Our Program
Our Occupational Therapy team hold both the DIR Floortime© as well as Sensory Integrated (SI) Therapy qualifications.
Our Speech Therapy team specialize in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) which introduces speech therapy that considers the various different needs of our learners.
Our Academic Specialist Team focus on teaching numeracy and literacy to learners in both a group and individual setting depending on what the individual learner requires. We use the Phonographics© program as well as Number Sense©. Academically we are able to take learners through to school leaving certificate should they have the ability.
Our classes follow an Interest Based learning program where the main aim is to spark curiosity in each child and to build on where the interest in each theme takes the class collectively. The classroom programme includes all therapy and academic goals as they are incorporated into lesson plans.
Bloom Centre offers our Supported Employment Training (SET) programme to learners who require skills for future vocational opportunities. This program offers our learners a wide range of exposure to different skills including beading, cooking, woodwork, and money handling.
Integration – Bloom places high value on Neuro-Typical integration as our Neuro-Diverse community need to find their place in society and the local community. Apart from the mainstream pre-school class integration daily, we have also formed a wonderful partnership with Umhlali Preparatory School who have partnered with us to offer integration periods with learners from Grade R – Grade 7 on the sports field, PE lessons and within service groups. The mutual benefit for both Neuro-Typical and Neuro-Diverse learners is pioneering what can be achieved when schools partner together to change perceptions and interactions within communities.
School Fee's
School Fee’s for 2023 are set at:
R11 200.00pm over 12 months
(This includes all therapies as well as the schooling programme)
School Fee’s for 2024 will be confirmed in October 2023.